SARS-CoV-2 UV Dose Response Behavior

Ernest R. Blatchley III, Lee A. Reith professor in environmental engineering, Purdue University Brian Petri, research director, Trojan Technologies Wenjun Sun, associate professor, Tsinghua University School...

Deep UV LED System Developed for Municipal Drinking Water Treatment

Takahito Sugimoto, Water Supply Engineering Department, METAWATER Co., Ltd. Yoshiro Kanto, International Business Planning Department, METAWATER Co., Ltd METAWATER Co., Tokyo, Japan, developed a deep ultraviolet (UV)...

Risks of Surface Damage to Polymeric (Plastic) Surfaces from UV-C Exposure

Peter Teska, infection prevention application expert, Diversey Healthcare environmental surfaces and patient care equipment (i.e., surfaces) in healthcare facilities are commonly contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms,...

Intelligent Heat Extraction with Thermoelectric Cooler for UV-C LEDs

Pablo Fredes, project manager, Hydraluvx UV Disinfection Technologies; Ulrich Raff, optics and semiconductors lab, Physics Department, University de Santiago de Chile; Ernesto Gramsch, optics and...

Efficiently Powering UV Sources

Tonnie Telgenhof Oude Koehorst, product manager/new business UV, Nedap Ultraviolet low- and medium-pressure lamps and LEDs are well known and widely accepted UV sources for...

Proposed Standard for Ultraviolet-Based High-Level Disinfection of Medical Devices

David J. Weber, M.D., M.P.H., Division of Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Department of Hospital Epidemiology,...

COVID-19 Pandemic: UV Air and Surface Disinfection

Castine Bernardy, graduate research assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire Corresponding author James P. Malley Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Civil...

Not If, But When: UV LED Beverage Disinfection

IUVA Food and Beverage Safety Working Group Babak Adeli, director of research and development, Acuva Technologies Waterborne microorganisms can affect the flavor, color, odor and shelf...

New UV System Withstands Extreme Flooding Event

Article provided courtesy of TrojanUV The city of Orange in Orange County, Texas, is located about 100 miles east of Houston and approximately 30 miles...

UV Disinfection Industry Leans in to COVID-19 Response

Rich Simons, Ph.D., head of application science, AquiSense Technologies Halfway through quarter two of 2020, no industry has been spared from the impact of COVID-19....
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