Industry Events Highlight ‘One Water’ Research
IUVA One Water
Izzy Medeiros, MS Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
James P. Malley Jr., Ph.D., editor-in-chief, UV Solutions and Professor...
Will UV-C Replace Pasteurization as the New Industry Standard?
Renée G.K. Nielsen, Lyras A/S
In a time when focus is on renouncing certain everyday products given their bad impact on the planet, it seems...
Water-Analysis Lab-on-a-Chip Enabled by UV LED Technology
Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions
Clean and safe water, long regarded as an infinite natural resource, lately has been recognized for what it really is...
Young Professionals News
Hello IUVA YPs! For those who were able to join us at the IUVA Americas conference, we hope you enjoyed yourselves – it’s always...
Municipal ‘One Water’ UV Systems: What’s Next?
Authors: Isabel “Izzy” Medeiros, MS Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
James P. Malley, Jr, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, UV Solutions and Professor...
UV Water Treatment in Rural or Remote Locales
By Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions
The need for safe, clean, consistently available water grows every day in a world with an increasing population and...
Why Stress C3E? To Build TRUST in GUV
by Troy Cowan, coordinator, IUVA Healthcare/UV Working Group
No surprises. As we try to save lives, our GUV industry is faced with multiple challenges on...
Microbicidal Maintenance: What Is It? Why Use It?
By Shigeharu Yamauchi and Todd Mikowski, Nichia Corporation
Many have heard the fable of the tortoise and the hare. Despite big claims and confidence in...
IUVA Americas Celebrates RadLaunch Class of 2024
The 2024 IUVA Americas conference and exhibition was held Orlando, Florida, May 20-22, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. Co-located with RadTech 2024, more than...
Helping Businesses Meet Corporate Sustainability Goals with UV
By Amy Hedrick, CEO, Cleanbox Technology
Corporate sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s now a key part of modern business strategy. Companies across...
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