Operator’s Corner: UV-AOPs for Water Reuse and Remediation: If You Had to Do It...
Izzy Medeiros, MS Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire, [email protected]
James P. Malley Jr., Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, UV Solutions and Professor of Civil and...
Association News: 2023 Quarter 4
IUVA Announces New President/Officers, Board Members
The International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) is pleased to announce that Ted Mao, chief technology officer, Evercloak, has assumed the...
Measurement and Characterization of Fluence in a Pilot-Scale UV Conveyor with Monochromatic and Polychromatic...
By Dylan Gleason, Vladimir Popović and Tatiana Koutchma, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph Research and Development Center
A custom-built ultraviolet (UV) light conveyor system was...
Exploring the Full Spectrum of UV-C Radiation: Analysis of Biocidal Potential from Far UV-C...
Amodeo D.1, De Palma I.1, Papale G.2, Nante N.2, Puccio A.2, Cevenini G.1, Messina G.2
1. Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
UV LEDs: Investigating Into and Beyond the Datasheets
By Pratibha Sharma, Ph.D., director of Applications Research and Development; Saya Han, sales director; and Peter Chung, marketing, Violumas
Ultraviolet (UV) light has been proven...
A Rapid Read-Out Biological Indicator Subsystem for UV-C and Far UV Disinfection Assurance: Part...
Originally written by Dr. Eugene I. Gordon Ph.D., IEEE Fellow and Edison Medal Recipient, and Peter E. Gordon MSEE, in April 2012. Updated in...
Innovation: Water Purification with UV Advanced Oxidation
Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions
At the 2022 IUVA Americas Conference, Jennifer Osgood of CDM Smith presented a paper, coauthored by Dave MacNevin, entitled, “Reuse...
Commercialization Timing of Larger Scale UV-C LED-Based Water Treatment Systems
By Oliver Lawal and Andrea Martinez, AquiSense Technologies
Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the UV industry, then it’s likely you’ve had more...
A Rapid Read-Out Biological Indicator Subsystem for UV-C and Far UV Disinfection Assurance: Part...
Originally written by Dr. Eugene I. Gordon Ph.D., IEEE Fellow and Edison Medal Recipient, and Peter E. Gordon MSEE, in April 2012. Updated in...
Designing for Surface Decontamination with UV-C LEDs: A Review of UV Reflectance Materials
By Amy Hedrick, CEO/Founder, Cleanbox Technology
In designing a UV-C-based product for multi-material, multi-dimensional surface decontamination, there are several critical components to consider. These components...
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