Using UV-C to Combat Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Surgical Settings and Chronic Wounds

Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions Staphylococcus aureus is one of many bacteria that can cause infection, and it is widely found in surgical settings and...

Young Professionals News – 2024 Quarter 1

Welcome to 2024! As the start of the year often is a time for resolutions and planning, we wanted to take a moment to...

Healthcare and Water Treatment Facilities Discuss UV Disinfection

Izzy Medeiros, MS Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire, James P. Malley Jr., Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, UV Solutions and Professor of Civil...

ASHRAE 241, MS2 and GUV: There May Be an Upside

By Troy Cowan, IUVA Healthcare / UV Working Group facilitator Congratulations to our friends and colleagues at ASHRAE for a well-planned and well-executed ASHRAE Winter...

UV Technology and One Water Research Around the Globe

IUVA One Water By corresponding authors Izzy Medeiros and James P. Malley, Jr., Ph.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire The following...

UV LEDs for Surface Disinfection: Understanding Key Design Parameters and Development Workflow

By Pratibha Sharma, Ph.D., Saya Han and Peter Chung, Violumas Ultraviolet light is a known disinfectant, which reduces microbial load by denaturing pathogenic DNA. Wavelengths...

UV Water Disinfection – Multi-Power, Multi-Exposure, Multi-Wavelength

By Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions In water disinfection, as in so many other things, one size does not fit all. The differences in geographic...

What Will They Think of Next?

By Liz Stevens, writer, UV Solutions The power and utility of ultraviolet light is undisputed, and the technology can be found in places far and...

Several Key Issues Regarding the Application and Expansion of the IUVA Protocol

By Lianfeng Zhang, Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen The IUVA protocol (Lawal et al., 2008, 2017) for...

Top 5 Articles from 2023

While work on the first issue of 2024 is well underway, we paused to see which UV Solutions articles from 2023 caught the eyes...
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