Meet the IUVA YP Committee

The IUVA Young Professionals (YP) Committee works to increase interest and involvement in the IUVA and UV industry among YPs (students and professionals younger than 35 or with less than five years of experience post-graduation in UV-related industry) and to allow YPs to actively contribute to the IUVA.

Natalie Hull, co-chair (internal) – guides the committee in accomplishing its vision and objectives. Hull’s group focuses on understanding and optimizing engineered water treatment (including UV disinfection) for sustainable control of water microbiomes.

Nathan Moore, co-chair (external) – liaises with the IUVA executive operating committee. He is working toward a doctorate in civil engineering at the University of Toronto studying the by-products of UV-based AOPs.

Dana Pousty, conference coordinator – leads YP contributions and initiatives at IUVA conferences. Her research focuses on improving the efficiency of novel UV LED systems.

Dan Spicer, communications and engagement coordinator – maintains committee email and social media accounts. He works with OEM customers throughout the Americas and Oceania on UV-C lamp related projects for water and surface disinfection applications.

Kyle Rauch, technical communications coordinator – drafts content related to the IUVA YPs for UV Solutions quarterly. He is working toward his Ph.D. in civil engineering at Dalhousie with a focus on UV treatment in domestic wastewaters.

Ran Yin, strategic growth coordinator – plans and executes strategic initiatives to grow the IUVA YP community. His research focuses on developing UV-based AOPs for advanced water treatment.

Molly McManus, IUVA YP representative for North American conferences – supports the IUVA conference team and coordinates YP events. Her work has taken her to six countries for projects varying from water fountains to space exploration.

The IUVA YP committee was made a voting member at the IUVA board meeting at the 2019 World Congress in Sydney. The committee is very excited to have the opportunity to officially represent the YPs at future board meetings.

Those looking to become more involved with YPs or who have ideas/concerns to present to the board should contact the committee.

To stay up to date on YP initiatives, make sure to follow the committee on social media (@IUVAYP) or email ( by scanning the QR codes below.

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IUVA Workshop a Success

At the request of the Region 6 office of the EPA, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) helped plan a workshop in Dallas, Texas, last May focusing on issues of interest to Region 6 states and water systems, such as basic water chemistry, disinfection, DBPs and lead.

ASDWA invited the IUVA Education Committee to organize a workshop with two coordinated sessions. The morning session was presented by Chip Blatchley of Purdue University and was organized to include subsessions that provided an introduction and summary of the law of photochemistry, followed by a subsession in which the principles of UV disinfection kinetics and the concept of UV dose were summarized. The morning session concluded with a summary of the steps involved in reactor validation. The afternoon session was titled “Reviewing UV Validation Test Reports” and was prepared and conducted by Christopher Schulz of CDM Smith. Schulz guided the attendees through the logistics behind reactor validation, organization of the validation process and report preparation and also allowed them to spend time examining real reports, generously provided by Calgon and WEDECO. Some 20 attendees, representing drinking water primacy agencies from Texas and Oklahoma, had the opportunity to become familiar and comfortable with UV and UV validation reports. Coordination and participation by ASDWA in this event was key, as they are the national organization that supports state regulatory agencies.

IUVA once again will offer a workshop with ASDWA at the upcoming 16th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop at the Duke Energy Convention Center. For more information, visit