2022 IUVA Research Innovation Symposium: Boulder, Colorado, May 23-25

The International Ultraviolet Association has announced the 2022 IUVA Research Innovation Symposium. This will be an in-person conference taking place at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, USA, from May 23-25, 2022.

UV radiation has been applied in engineering systems for roughly 100 years; today, UV-based systems provide critical functions in a wide range of applications. New and emerging discoveries related to photochemistry, photobiology, UV-based applications and UV sources may provide opportunities to improve existing applications and to expand into new applications. This symposium has been organized to provide opportunities to explore new and emerging aspects of UV radiation and its applications. The conference will be conducted as a single-track event to promote engagement in presentations. In addition, the schedule for the event has been designed to facilitate social interactions and informal discussion.

The individual sessions have been organized around theme areas, ranging from common applications (e.g., disinfection and AOPs), to health care, biomedical applications and new UV sources. Speakers with expertise in these areas have been invited to present new discoveries and information related to emerging applications. Session topics and focuses will include the following:

Session 1: UV-Based AOP

New UV-AOPs or ARPs that are more efficient and less problematic (byproducts)
New applications of UV-AOPs/APRSs to address emerging environmental issues (PFAS and ARG/ARB)
Latest issues in UV-AOP/ARP research and application, technology trends, and future research needs

Session 2: UV in Healthcare and COVID-19

UV disinfection of human norovirus evaluating infectivity using a genome-wide PCR based approach.
Expert perspectives on differences in the experimental design and the role of quality assurance of UV disinfection in the frame of water safety plans and risk assessment
Far-UV for disinfection and related health concerns

Session 3: UV Integration Everyday Life

Non-traditional UV design and technologies
UV disinfection and reuse of facial masks
UVC and UVC plus ozone robots

Session 4: Innovations in Harvesting/Delivery UV

Novel methods of generating ultraviolet radiation
Novel methods of delivering and distributing ultraviolet radiation
Light engines. Diode/lensing design and its effect on radiation profile

Session 5: New UV Sources, Far UV, LEDs

New UV radiation source-based process design and development
New UV radiation source-based applications (e.g., disinfection, water/air purification)
Protocols/methods for characterizing the new radiation sources/reactors
Latest issues in new UV source-based research and application, and future research needs

For more information and to register, visit www.iuva.org/2022-RIS.